If you are a small business owner, you know just how difficult it can be to try to receive financing from your local bank. In fact, there are many ways that indirect financing can be troublesome for small business owners, leading to costly monthly payments, and undue stress on your behalf. That’s why, at Lease Genie, we provide direct financing for your small business when banks won’t. From stringent lending requirements and excessive working capital requirements to interest rates that don’t work in your favor, there are a number of reasons why you should consider direct financing over indirect financing. In today’s article, we will be talking about what exactly direct financing is, while providing you with more information on how our direct financing program works!
Are you a business owner that is having difficulty receiving the funding that you need to get your operations off the ground? If so, then you could benefit significantly by working with Lease Genie; the best small business financing company that is dedicated to your success! We know that no two company’s needs are the same, which is why we offer a number of different financing options for your convenience. From working capital loans and construction equipment leasing to commercial vehicle leasing and new equipment financing, Lease Genie is here to tell you “Yes!” when the banks tell you “No.” If you are thinking about applying for direct financing with Lease Genie, but would first like to learn more about our direct financing program, then consider reading more below!
What Is Direct Financing?
Traditional forms of indirect financing require that a financial intermediary, such as a bank, provide you with the financing you need to help your business grow. Essentially, a financial intermediary is “an entity that acts as the middleman between two parties in a financial transaction.” While this seems like a standard procedure, indirect financing does come with some pitfalls. For example, while receiving indirect financing, there is no guarantee that your financial intermediary will remain as a constant. In fact, often times, financial intermediaries can change hands, causing confusion on your behalf. With direct financing from Lease Genie, however, you can be confident knowing that your lender will remain constant throughout the entirety of your financing term. This is just one of the many ways that we are able to provide the most in value to business owners through direct financing!
How Our Direct Financing Program Works
If you would rather take the route of direct financing, then you are probably wondering how our direct financing program works. For starters, no matter what kind of business you own, there is a good chance that we can help fund your business’s needs! With flexible payment plans and 100-percent financing with no down payments, we are confident that you will be able to receive your funding with ease! Our process requires little paperwork, and allows business owners to work directly with the decision-maker instead of having to work with a third party. Contrary to indirect financing, our direct financing program ensures that your application is never left to an automated machine. In fact, every direct financing application that Lease Genie receives is reviewed by an experienced credit analyst that is committed to helping you receive funding for your business, if possible.
What really sets us apart from banks, however, is that we use a risk-adjusted loan pricing model, which can help us better assess the qualifications of all applicants, no matter their credit ratings. So, if you’re tired of being denied financing from banks in your area, then you need to talk to the friendly professionals at Lease Genie today!
If you are interested in learning more about all that our direct financing program has to offer your business, then reach out to the friendly professionals at Lease Genie today. We are constantly working to help small businesses grow by providing them with the working capital that they need to succeed! While we offer a number of different financing options to choose from, we also have a number of resources on our website for your convenience. From our handy leasing calculator to our informative FAQ page, we continue to offer the most in convenience for all of our clients. Visit our website today to get started!